C o m F O O T a b l e


Set your preferences

What are the weight settings?

The weight settings allow you to specify your own preferences. The higher the number, the more important the aspect is to you (see FAQ for more detailed information). All factors will always contribute to the routing minimally or maximally, no matter the specific settings.


Local Recreation:



User Rating:



What does the weight “time” mean exactly?

There are five different weight to personalize your walking experience with ComFootable. The time weight specifies how much importance you place on the duration of your trip. If you set this weight to a lower number, the generated route might take you through more scenic places that take a bit longer than a direct route.

What happens if I change the weight “local recreation”?

The category local recreation is made up of three different components: trees, forests and greenspaces. If you put a lot of emphasis on local recreation, meaning you set your weight to a high number, the routing service will try to bring you through forests, parks or squares and streets with a lot of trees beside them.

What does the weight “livability” stand for?

Livability considers the noise measurements of the city of Zurich. If you set this as a high priority, ComFootable will direct you through quieter areas.

What does the weight “safety” entail?

The weight safety represents the traffic by taking into account speed limit of 30km/h and 20km/h as well as road accidents. If you set a high number on safety, ComFootable tries to steer clear of places with a high accident count and prioritize zones where the speed limits are 30km/h or 20km/h.

What changes when I adjust the weight “User Rating”?

When you adjust the weight of the user rating, it will change how the ratings of trips other users have completed will affect where your route leads through.

What is “nightmode”?

Night mode is an effort of ComFootable to help pedestrians feel save when moving through the city at night by suggesting suitable routes. Nightmode will try to go around parks and forests and follow well-lit areas.

I can't see my history even though I have already made trips using ComFootable.

If you have cleared your browser history or signed out, your trips will not be displayed in the history section. Try tapping the sign in button at the left low corner to log into your profile. Should you still not see your trips, please write us an e-mail!


Our Mission

ComFootable wants to provide a routing service that is not only suited specifically for pedestrians, but also allows our users to undertake trips that are designed especially according to their preferences. Our team wants to transform the action of walking from simply a mode of transport from one location to another into an enjoyable experience along safe and healthy walkable infrastructure.

Our Story

ComFootable evolved from a semester project for a geoinformation analytics course. Our team consists of three students in geospatial engineering who are all passionate about walkability and finding tools to improve it in urban spaces.

Our Service

ComFootable provides a Webapp that function as a routing engine. It is easy and intuitive to use and lets the user weigh their preferences. It offers dynamic calculations of routes from freely choosable start and destination locations, a GPS routing service and an archive of saved trips.

Our Data Policy

Comfootable values your privacy. We do not share any of your information with third platforms or companies. All your data is handled anonymously.

Your Contribution

At ComFootable, you can contribute in order to make our tool even better! After every trip, you can rate your experience and this rating will directly flow into the calculation of the routes for every other user! With this system, we can suggest routes that a lot of people enjoyed when making a certain path to more people!

Questions? Suggestions?

We are always available for new input! Please share your questions, reactions and suggestions to comfootablegta@gmail.com.
